Monday, January 19, 2009

Out on a Limb

And you don't know what to do.
Out on a limb.
And He's waiting there for you.

Ha, old song which came to mind.
Another one which brought me to attention was at E3Scottsdale on Sunday.

Celebrate this heartbeat by Stonehill. Randy is the best. I don't know how pastor Brad got me to think about this song, but his preaching has really begun to take life. I'm so thrilled to wake up on Sunday just to get to church. Its a great day. Then, seeing the Cardinals going to the SB is outrageous. Can't wait to watch the next game.

I've been around the sports stuff for quite some time now. When I've treated these guys, there's something I watch for. The IR, how the guys are moving and the logistics surrounding intervals of training/rest. Coach with the Cards got something down. I saw the rest interval and our losses and we just may see a big fat W. That's W for WINNER. Pitt is extremely tough, though. Only thing is that I see the Steelers playing with broken ankles and a whole lot more hurt than what the Cards have. This next game will be interesting dependent upon who has the heart. That's all these guys are playing with now at this point in the season. AZ does have a more healed up team, though, to go along with the heart. I also believe that we have some tricks up our sleeves. In the Cardinal's first two to three games some things were tested. Coach brought a few things out of the bag as testing period and then we didn't see any more as the bag wasn't needed for us to get to playoffs. I saw that this was a real team and we'll see come SB Sunday. If I were to bet, I'm going Arizona. I even visited the training center to entertain my thoughts on the team and I realized that the Cardinals are no party-errrrs and that we are now all business. That's good news considering that I've witnessed other teams where the main guys are up the night before closing down the local shindig bar and expected to "perform" at a higher level the next day. Over ten years ago I witnessed this with Pitt and don't think the core team has changed. I expect that the Steelers will goof around way more than AZ during the next two weeks.

Okay, thats my thought(s) for the SuperBowl. My latest maneuver on stocks is most likely for GE in about one week. Pretty certain I will allocate funds to this location and put a sell staked at 24-25 at time of purchase. In about 4-6 months this will probably go through. It may go longer, but I think the big Obama deal will post winnings at GE. I'm also re-locating the Cuervo to healthier aspects like Marvel as the number one investor has gone dry for well over the past ten months.

P.S. Just another note. I've been out marketing for my office in the Chandler area. A lot of closed offices out there. Three of them are chiropractic offices and its kind of sad. I knew one of the offices and, you know, they really opened up to just close down. Overhead was so high that I didn't know how these people were going to make it. Turns out they didn't. I hope these things will turn for the better.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Lepper and Moller

Well, its been a while. I've been very busy with whatnots and wheretos. Last thing was another pigroast and a whole lotta mushkatka. Really fun stuff and I love the many pigroasts. Great stuff.

I am currently doing quite a lot of stuff with sub-ing at different offices as well as building a great clientele in my own office. My latest patient has a huge roofing business and, if you want his #, its Desert Roofing and he is genuine. When you request his #, I will gladly send it out. Haven't posted for a bit as have been busy acquisitioning foreclosures and I will be moving into a place near to the office. Its pretty cool. Two story place with windows and fireplace and fairly large. I'm not sure, but a cleaning lady is probably in store for the thing. I've always wanted the fairly simple and this monster is a little off my beaten path. But it is worth much for little and thats good.

Lepper and Moller. I was briefly in an office when first moved to the valley. Lincoln Chiropractic owned by John Lepper. A joke I heard was, "Well, we have a Lepper and now there's a Moller." The place was good. It attracted patients like flies and was pretty okay. I really like Dr Lepper and he is very outstanding. When I left after close to two months I had a number of things which I took with me. There were many patients who tracked me down and they are still my patients today. I never "stole" them as I don't do this. They came to me. One said that they felt Dr Lepper was intimidated and thought I was better. I have a difficult time believing that, but anyway, these were reports. Dr Lepper, in my opinion, is tops.

When I started at Lincoln, I began to have people who would make appointments only when I was there and Doc was not. This was a little uncomfortable but I accepted it. One of these guys was actually named George Bernard Shaw just like the Nobel winner. He was white, though, not black. Shared the same name. I figure its okay for me to say the name since its the name of a well-known and many may actually have that name. So, George, I had to ask after seeing him the second time...."how did you land this name?" George is a highly accomplished, exceptionally wealthy, old man. Every visit he would come in and say this, "I suffer from something very very bad. The name of the impairment is......old age." George made his wealth off of land and development of commercial property. Very smart codger. Very much like another of Dr Lepper's guys named Rik. Very smart people.

So, anyway. George B Shaw. It wasn't his real name. In kindergarten his first day, George had to stand up and say his name. He stood up and said his name: Gaylord. The whole class snickered. This was probably in about or around the early 1920's. Even then, I guess, Gaylord was something for kids in kindergarten to snicker about. So the next day of kindergarten, the process was repeated and, you know what Gaylord did? Stand up, name: George. No snickering. George B Shaw never was Gaylord again. He never had a legal name change, but throughout life has signed document after document as George. Everything. The name to his buildings, houses, cars. Younameits. George.

He's a very funny guy. Came in with a walker due to a dystrophic disease and it was always a joy to see him come in. He usually called ahead to make sure I was there. The last Saturday that I ever treated him was almost prophetic. You see, what I did with him was special. I treat everyone with special care, but I made sure that he was exclusive. I could tell with George that something was made of gold and so I took careful attention to involve him with probably a good thirty minutes of talk. So, on our last visit, he told me that he was headed for Sun City. This is Arizona talk of the grand retirement community where old ladies take dogs for walks while riding in golf carts. So here's what George told me. He said that he can't wait for the day that he calls for his appointment and finds that I am no longer working out of Dr Lepper's offices. George said that I am better than the office I was in and he wanted to see me get out. It was something hearing this guy say these things. I'm still not sure if I understand it. You know what? That week I was gone. I really miss George. I really miss a lot of patients I've treated over the years. George never tracked me down the way some others did, but I'm willing to give my left leg if he didn't call at some point and find that I had moved on. I think he was very pleased that morning.
