Already May. Before you know it - Holidays
Okay. Finally got around to updating some of Facebook as well as searching for people I think about at times. Memorial Day and its straggling patients. I tried something different on this day and scheduled everyone for the same time. Lets see. One showed up on time. Two were over an hour early. A couple were over an hour late. And then walk-ins. Have gotten to eat like a maniac.
Was on Amazon ordering a couple things and ran across these download deals and couldn't figure it out. Didn't know what they referred to. This lady I treat started talking on a visit a couple days ago and she mentioned Kindle. I had no idea the thing existed. It is now my quest to find a Kindle 2 for less than $300 on ebay. Retail is $359 w/free shipping.
For those who are in a cave like me, Kindle is a reader's dream come true. I really don't know how I missed this one. My journey to buy one would have been said and done quite a while ago had I known about the product. Items I recently ordered on Amazon go for 99 cents and a brief download. I spent quite a bit more. S/H and all that. The Kindle saves on bookstore runs, expense and is so easy to read - its amazing. I've given some thought to trading the 360, but that is unreasonable. More fun to find the 2 on a total deal.

On my patient's Kindle wonder G3 machine, I looked up titles off the top of my head. Had 'em all. Got me twitter-pated. More fun than a new car, new house, the DS, new board, you-name-it. Makes me drool. After work today I decided that its workout and then a cigar at the Salty to contemplate moves to acquire this genius contraption. Cigar, iced tea, taco, patio will probably get my brain to formulate the ultimate plans. If I just get four new patients in the next three days, then I would be meeting up with the next day FedEx guy and reading all the stuff in the instruction manual. Four new intakes would mean no waiting for insurance funds to satisfy my craving. Its either that or just sell one of the cars. I'm already tired of one of them and want a truck anyway. Have a few things to think about there.
So the Kindle2. It holds like 1500 books and Amazon stores that which you don't currently want on the unit. It is no-fail that I run by a speaker and a book suggestion will be made. Lets say that I have my K with me and am at church or listening to Kiyosaki or something and, there we go again, oh, "Grunch of Giants" - wait a second (or two)- downloading on K2 - got it! Simple as that. Tell you what. Well, yes, I am a book junkie. One of my Rand copies has sand on it from probably five different beaches. I have a few sauna books which have dried sweat all over them. I'm on my tenth or eleventh copy of Hill's "Think and Grow Rich". Can't tell you how many titles I've given away just to replace them. My favorite Bible is a cheap $5 NASB which I don't mind abusing when I flip through the thing. Current one is kind of torn up - and the covers don't go flat since I fold it all up and over and stuff. I have boxes and boxes of books, I have lists of "wants", bookcases, coffee table reads, bedside reads. Kindle takes care of all that stuff. This is just really crazy for me to think about. All the possibilities.
On an average bookstore outing I will have one title in mind and leave the place with five. I've figured out 1/2 Price books and, I don't know, the library just isn't that fun for me. The reason why I don't like the library is because I read around ten things at once. When I am in the mood for one book, the others stay idle until the next swing. Sometimes a book may last months this way. Library doesn't like this kind of thing too much. The late fees aren't that bad, but the ladies there are kind of scary. Just makes you feel like a bad person to be late on a book. This may have to do with problems had in elementary school. I never did have late return problems, but the reason was due to being afraid of the librarian probably.
Kindle2. 'Nuf said. Wow, some new titles just came to mind. Geez, nerd. Okay. Hope the mail is good news tomorrow. Should be since the long weekend.
Okay. Out of the office in a minute with my new and great Pretenders download and I'm back in the middle of the road.
God bless all you Kindle readers.
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