I have a list. It keeps growing. Sometimes this list is just out of hand. Starting a new business in what appears to be a bad economy has made my list get larger as bills come in and then you have to figure out who gets what and when. You know, you make sure the roof stays over your head and that transportation cost is maintained and then you allocate. Also, until about ten years ago, I didn't understand paying yourself first. After divorce and attorneys and a bunch of stuff with business, I figured that out. I asked my dad about it early on and he wasn't any help. I asked my CPA and he had vagaries. I figured out that a CPA on trade-out was not the best person to use for finance. So, you know, I just continue to learn. My list right now is chiropractic, domain names, ebay drop-ship, parking, and bionic band P.A.R.T. technologies and Elsie. Then there is the grocery list. None of it is necessarily in order, Elsie Jane is probably #1.
I think Brandon is the latest on the list as he's started to come around and ask me about stuff. Brandon is Elsie Jane's son and I think I may be becoming his second dad. And that's pretty scary. Very soon I think the time is coming when we will probably all be living in the same place. Brandon's real dad seems to me to be a pretty nice guy but there are two stories and now three with Brandon's perspective. I don't want to mess with the stories but add another to make all the themes become one. Eventually, I know that this will happen because I know that Brandon is a mathematical genius and that we get along very well. But I have been stand-offish. Its just my approach to be sure that a learning curve is achieved.
A little background. I really loved my ex-wife, Stacy. I was never able to express certain things, though. And when it came to a point when my self-esteem was challenged, my ex-wife wasn't there and she tried to tear me down. So I left. Elsie Jane is very much like Stacy but she challenges me and holds me up when I may be down. She looks at me with these big brown eyes that spurn me to just be a man. I also just really love Elsie Jane. There is no one like her. Its kind of funny and also tragic that I could say that I would also be able to love my ex-wife if she would stop being a real junky person and just come around. But I guess that is how she is.
So Brandon keeps asking me about certain things and I just don't know how to say it like it is because he is told one thing and the truth lies elsewhere. I'm fairly certain that his education lies with his father and that Elsie Jane has no plans involved. I'm kind of hoping that the dad dies before Brandon goes on to a PhD program, but thats just me saying that. His dad is older so to say that he may pass away is not like a giveaway or anything. Brandon's dad is just older. Brandon is asking me about workouts, but I am first taking him to a financial management seminar and then to the gym. I can easily make him stronger in the gym, but I hope I can make him stronger in the financials. That is my hope. I'd rather not see him grow up groping for a rope when he could easily make the rope on his own. I did all sorts of things with my own dad but never learned much of consequence. I'd like to learn the communication style of Brandon to maybe make a small difference in what I know is a continued life of greatness. If that can be achieved, then I would know that I have actually done something that is tangible and real. This is one great kid and I just hope that I can be more than a carpenter with him.
The life we are all living now is crazy. It seems that we all just go from place to place and sometimes it is difficult to notice any progress. When I'm not seeing progress, I just take a step back. I figure that the step back is better than taking a wrong step forward. When I'm working for my self in my own businesses, its easy to take the step back. I realize that there is real life and that real life is far better in affecting others in a real way.
Sometimes maybe my weblogs make little sense. I figure that's okay. They make you think if there is no sense involved. I can be reached at
P.S. I enjoy hearing from you. Especially if what I exploit is zany or otherwise.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
I'm a motley fool follower. The Gardeners are the advisors on the market I follow most. I appreciate IBD and all the statistics O'Neill has to offer. Motley Fool tells the real story, in my opinion. My Caps list can be found under the name drsmoller. The volatile market today can show some real losers and I have continued to not be one of them. I can't say that I have much strategy in "diversifying" and all that may entail. I just kind of see what's hot and I go with it.
I started with ideas on stocks at about age 13. I bought through my dad initially. I also got bullied by my dad and his broker, Joe. I only mention getting bullied as the last transaction I ever made as a young kid was when I was hot after an IPO called Quicksilver. I presented my position and got steamrolled in the offices of my dad's broker and agreed to a buy with some kind of company involved with fingerprinting and microfilm. Something like that. That was a mistake. My last mistake after the dad-Joe-deal was listening to others on WilliamsCo. and a sudden and total crash in '02.
Since then I've bought what I know and also I've bought what I see all around me. My latest that I've seen is Paradise Bakery, an AZ company. Its traded as Panera and the shops are totally hot. Eating out frequently, I see stuff that maybe some don't. The experience at Paradise is better than Cheesecake Factory and the cost is half. If you visit my Caps at Motley Fool, you will see that my picks are usually in the 60% range or greater. My favorite all-time are MVL and CSE. Those are not gambles for me. My gambles are in ETF's and emerging markets. With these, I just think long-term and let it roll. I don't like my MSFT, but its sort of stable and I like their ads with Bill shaking his butt next to Seinfeld.
So, a bunch of financials are getting hit and its crazy seeing the tickers go. Other than that, I've been happy with my picks and haven't gone down mainly because of buying what I like and what I see others like. I think Elsie Jane understands the investment process and I wish she would understand better when I put another thousand into my convertible because I love that ride so much.
I'm a motley fool follower. The Gardeners are the advisors on the market I follow most. I appreciate IBD and all the statistics O'Neill has to offer. Motley Fool tells the real story, in my opinion. My Caps list can be found under the name drsmoller. The volatile market today can show some real losers and I have continued to not be one of them. I can't say that I have much strategy in "diversifying" and all that may entail. I just kind of see what's hot and I go with it.
I started with ideas on stocks at about age 13. I bought through my dad initially. I also got bullied by my dad and his broker, Joe. I only mention getting bullied as the last transaction I ever made as a young kid was when I was hot after an IPO called Quicksilver. I presented my position and got steamrolled in the offices of my dad's broker and agreed to a buy with some kind of company involved with fingerprinting and microfilm. Something like that. That was a mistake. My last mistake after the dad-Joe-deal was listening to others on WilliamsCo. and a sudden and total crash in '02.
Since then I've bought what I know and also I've bought what I see all around me. My latest that I've seen is Paradise Bakery, an AZ company. Its traded as Panera and the shops are totally hot. Eating out frequently, I see stuff that maybe some don't. The experience at Paradise is better than Cheesecake Factory and the cost is half. If you visit my Caps at Motley Fool, you will see that my picks are usually in the 60% range or greater. My favorite all-time are MVL and CSE. Those are not gambles for me. My gambles are in ETF's and emerging markets. With these, I just think long-term and let it roll. I don't like my MSFT, but its sort of stable and I like their ads with Bill shaking his butt next to Seinfeld.
So, a bunch of financials are getting hit and its crazy seeing the tickers go. Other than that, I've been happy with my picks and haven't gone down mainly because of buying what I like and what I see others like. I think Elsie Jane understands the investment process and I wish she would understand better when I put another thousand into my convertible because I love that ride so much.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Mike, I really appreciate your input. I'm hoping you may see this blog since I don't know when I may find you again at the gym and I didn't get your email address or information.
I wasn't sure what you thought when I had approached you and I just decided to take the chance. I have noticed you before and wondered about your story and now I know that "little bit more" aspect. I was a bit timid about coming up to you as I didn't want you to think I was some kind of flake or something and I genuinely just wanted to find out more and now I have this bionic band thing that I'm so excited about. So I gave it a chance.
In most gyms nowadays its sometimes rather difficult to get to know people. We're all running around with an Ipod stuck on our heads and hats hung low. Women think that guys are just hitting on them and so many keep to themselves. Right now I know a few people in the place and its made more fun the time spent at 24 Hour.
I told Dan about you with the band and he was very excited even though all we could prove was that small balance/strength test. Dan has tried it on one other stroke victim and she began to develop pain on her paralysis side. She refuses to wear the band now. I don't know how much pain it was, but Dan wanted to get her to continue. She had no sensation prior. His thinking was, "I wonder what if?" We all know that pain is a nervous system response and this lady has been living with absolutely no response except at this time with the band. He said, that if you like, he would be thrilled to give you a band with the technology and would like to hear about any result.
You made it very easy to get to know you and then you took the time to write. I just want to let you know that I genuinely appreciate that. Mike, you are an all-the-way, A#1 classy guy.
Thank you.
Mike, I really appreciate your input. I'm hoping you may see this blog since I don't know when I may find you again at the gym and I didn't get your email address or information.
I wasn't sure what you thought when I had approached you and I just decided to take the chance. I have noticed you before and wondered about your story and now I know that "little bit more" aspect. I was a bit timid about coming up to you as I didn't want you to think I was some kind of flake or something and I genuinely just wanted to find out more and now I have this bionic band thing that I'm so excited about. So I gave it a chance.
In most gyms nowadays its sometimes rather difficult to get to know people. We're all running around with an Ipod stuck on our heads and hats hung low. Women think that guys are just hitting on them and so many keep to themselves. Right now I know a few people in the place and its made more fun the time spent at 24 Hour.
I told Dan about you with the band and he was very excited even though all we could prove was that small balance/strength test. Dan has tried it on one other stroke victim and she began to develop pain on her paralysis side. She refuses to wear the band now. I don't know how much pain it was, but Dan wanted to get her to continue. She had no sensation prior. His thinking was, "I wonder what if?" We all know that pain is a nervous system response and this lady has been living with absolutely no response except at this time with the band. He said, that if you like, he would be thrilled to give you a band with the technology and would like to hear about any result.
You made it very easy to get to know you and then you took the time to write. I just want to let you know that I genuinely appreciate that. Mike, you are an all-the-way, A#1 classy guy.
Thank you.
bionic band,
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
A Few Days
I've been so busy.
I can't stop talking to people about the bionicband. Its really crazy because normally I just don't do this kind of thing and I am a clam. Its also funny since I'll go just about anywhere and, out of the blue, I'll see something and simply get attention from any person and then we're talkin' bionic. My new domain name is Its linked to the primary website for people to purchase the product and/or sign up for the business.
Since I am at the beginnings of my office which started in July, I have a ton of marketers coming in and trying to hit me up. I really can't believe how many people there are in the Chandler area attempting to sell me their stuff. Its intimidating when I pick up any local ad product and I see how much money other chiros are spending on the publications. I've rarely had any success with this kind of ad material and I just don't buy any longer and I rely on building relationships and gaining quality referrals. I tell you what, since July I've probably sat down with about fifty to sixty ad-type salesman. No kidding. Just about every one of them involves the range of 2 to 9 thousand dollars or month and the range is usually over the period of one year or just one month. I'm thinking of starting one of those businesses and make it into something I would actually like to see sitting on my doorstep every week. All of them are pretty much the same and have never influenced me to buy anything. So I think I would make one of these ad things fun and zany and then maybe get someone to call my ad paying clients. It would probably be cheaper for me to make this kind of thing and get high school kids who want a couple twentys on the side to distribute than if I paid the other guys. Just an idea.
So the ad-copiers: I initially thought to offer them fifty bucks per legitimate patient they brought in to my office in lieu of my not buying their stuff. I still have been too chicken to make my offer after I tell them I don't buy their kind of product and they don't produce. Now that I have bionic band, I can't believe I'm doing this...but I figure I have captive audience. I have let them tell their story and then I get to tell mine. What better person to tell this than someone who is taking my time and who is also in the sales field and understands selling and what a good business is all while selling something that is good for everyone? Right? One of these guys will soon see the big picture and its a matter of time.
An update. I have been talking to a lot of people and it is truly fun. Everyone I've been branching out to I have truly enjoyed the experience and I totally look forward to meeting them again. I remember every one of your names and I really don't know why this has always been the case with my memory. Most hear a name and then its forgotten. That's okay. Just happens that I hit at about ninety percent. My most recent are Kevin, Mike, Doug, Matthew, Don, Kimberly. Very strange. I think its after reading Carnegie's books that this began to happen. Before that it was memory of numbers. That is a strange thing as well. The numbers continue. I base most things on math. Where you walk, how you drive, working out, sleep. Its all math to me. I have a count to sixty and, in general, sixty takes me approximately 43 seconds to count to. Since my interior gauge lights on the Saab do not work, my count to sixty tells me how fast I am going on the freeway according to the mile markers. Its no-fail. Every once in a while I get the flashlight out and check and, sure enough, it works out.
On a note and not to be a real pain. I continue to be surprised about reports on how others are reacting to the bionic band. I know my personal experience is, so far, such that I do not do not want to go without. Elsie Jane has been telling all her friends and I cannot believe the response she is getting. I wish they would be the same with chiropractic. But, anyway, I simply have this total energy and my personality has turned into something very outgoing. Of course, today I was hoping that the energy would attract more patients into my office, but that didn't happen. The energy did give me more ideas and I think I have so much going that I'm getting into the position of having to figure out how to delegate all the things I would really enjoy being done in a bunch of endeavors. The neatest thing behind it all is simply the part of connecting with others. Whether they get the message or not, that is okay. I just know that when I take the time to talk to any one person that I have been honest and tell it like I see it. That is most important. It is always so great to hear others tell their story. I think I enjoy that best of all.
I have a lot more to say but Elsie told me I better eat or I might die or something like that. I think she said something like "You eat, you never eat and you need healthy body so you not go goofy." She brought me breakfast this morning and I had to eat two breakfasts.
I can't stop talking to people about the bionicband. Its really crazy because normally I just don't do this kind of thing and I am a clam. Its also funny since I'll go just about anywhere and, out of the blue, I'll see something and simply get attention from any person and then we're talkin' bionic. My new domain name is Its linked to the primary website for people to purchase the product and/or sign up for the business.
Since I am at the beginnings of my office which started in July, I have a ton of marketers coming in and trying to hit me up. I really can't believe how many people there are in the Chandler area attempting to sell me their stuff. Its intimidating when I pick up any local ad product and I see how much money other chiros are spending on the publications. I've rarely had any success with this kind of ad material and I just don't buy any longer and I rely on building relationships and gaining quality referrals. I tell you what, since July I've probably sat down with about fifty to sixty ad-type salesman. No kidding. Just about every one of them involves the range of 2 to 9 thousand dollars or month and the range is usually over the period of one year or just one month. I'm thinking of starting one of those businesses and make it into something I would actually like to see sitting on my doorstep every week. All of them are pretty much the same and have never influenced me to buy anything. So I think I would make one of these ad things fun and zany and then maybe get someone to call my ad paying clients. It would probably be cheaper for me to make this kind of thing and get high school kids who want a couple twentys on the side to distribute than if I paid the other guys. Just an idea.
So the ad-copiers: I initially thought to offer them fifty bucks per legitimate patient they brought in to my office in lieu of my not buying their stuff. I still have been too chicken to make my offer after I tell them I don't buy their kind of product and they don't produce. Now that I have bionic band, I can't believe I'm doing this...but I figure I have captive audience. I have let them tell their story and then I get to tell mine. What better person to tell this than someone who is taking my time and who is also in the sales field and understands selling and what a good business is all while selling something that is good for everyone? Right? One of these guys will soon see the big picture and its a matter of time.
An update. I have been talking to a lot of people and it is truly fun. Everyone I've been branching out to I have truly enjoyed the experience and I totally look forward to meeting them again. I remember every one of your names and I really don't know why this has always been the case with my memory. Most hear a name and then its forgotten. That's okay. Just happens that I hit at about ninety percent. My most recent are Kevin, Mike, Doug, Matthew, Don, Kimberly. Very strange. I think its after reading Carnegie's books that this began to happen. Before that it was memory of numbers. That is a strange thing as well. The numbers continue. I base most things on math. Where you walk, how you drive, working out, sleep. Its all math to me. I have a count to sixty and, in general, sixty takes me approximately 43 seconds to count to. Since my interior gauge lights on the Saab do not work, my count to sixty tells me how fast I am going on the freeway according to the mile markers. Its no-fail. Every once in a while I get the flashlight out and check and, sure enough, it works out.
On a note and not to be a real pain. I continue to be surprised about reports on how others are reacting to the bionic band. I know my personal experience is, so far, such that I do not do not want to go without. Elsie Jane has been telling all her friends and I cannot believe the response she is getting. I wish they would be the same with chiropractic. But, anyway, I simply have this total energy and my personality has turned into something very outgoing. Of course, today I was hoping that the energy would attract more patients into my office, but that didn't happen. The energy did give me more ideas and I think I have so much going that I'm getting into the position of having to figure out how to delegate all the things I would really enjoy being done in a bunch of endeavors. The neatest thing behind it all is simply the part of connecting with others. Whether they get the message or not, that is okay. I just know that when I take the time to talk to any one person that I have been honest and tell it like I see it. That is most important. It is always so great to hear others tell their story. I think I enjoy that best of all.
I have a lot more to say but Elsie told me I better eat or I might die or something like that. I think she said something like "You eat, you never eat and you need healthy body so you not go goofy." She brought me breakfast this morning and I had to eat two breakfasts.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Bionic Scott
I'm trying out the bionic band. Its science is behind P.A.R.T. - proton alignment resonance technology. The business aspect is a new MLM and the theory of the product in practice is interesting. The primary focus in its marketing seems to regard balance, energy and strength in the body. The science is a focus on decreased EMF interference/pollution by redirecting proton energy in the body with a small imbedded metallic object. Something like that anyway. EMF is electromagnetic field. A potential current and vastly worsening problem with how we use and produce technology today is the amount of electrical radiation which is not taken into account and how our systems may react to all the input.
Whats kind of strange when this subject was brought up to me (and I am getting to test drive the bracelet) I began to recall a few people in one of my men's groups. I've never been around so many individuals who are fighting cancer or know others in the same struggle. The types of cancer appear to be mostly related to problems in the brain region and this bionic band got me to thinking. You see, we are living in a time when we are being bombarded with all this EMF and we don't give it a thought. Every one of us is running around with un-expressed cancer genes and the cells are just one mutation away from expressing themselves in the cancer form. Everybody has it, its just not expressed.
My next thought was about breast cancer. I don't think its coincidence that there has been a huge surge in breast cancer ever since the traditional mammogram practices have been implemented. I mean, think about it. To detect possible breast cancer we take a woman, smash her breasts against a film and radiate them in order to see if there are any abnormalities. We actually take potentially damaging radiation to our bodies and take multiple films of tissue. Since mammograms have become routine yearly checks, there has been rise of cancer cases. Of course one may argue that this is due to our early detection systems, but I don't buy it. I'm not against x-ray, but I also don't generally take soft tissue specific films and the units I use equate to someone watching TV for only about twenty seconds.
So then I get back to the people I've run into who are suffering from brain related conditions and my first thought is on how much cell phone usage there is today. I think I've probably gone through at least 15 phones since first getting a cell in 1999. When you think about the population as a whole and cells, the amount of EMF exposure is exponential not to mention a hugely expanding reliance on the computer and all that. EMF, EMF, EMF. In my thinking, its a matter of time before certain cellular matter expresses itself in some way in order to adapt to the pollution.
Some of us will be like George Burns and live forever with little side effects from all the drinking and cigars. And then there will be the others who do not adapt. Might that possibly be the big guy I sit next to in group and he currently suffers from something diagnosed in his temporal lobe and is still in the throes of chemo? Or the other guy I've run across who had to have open brain surgery? I don't know. I'd say the effects of EMF will most likely be expressed soon as everything is a matter of time. Maybe the death statistics will be changing.
I decided to give the bionic proton band a go. Experimented yesterday during my workout. Here's what I did. I already did chest and biceps and calves on Tuesday and that was a fair workout and yesterday (Wednesday) I was totally sore. So I figured I would test the band by a re-do of the same workout. Man, I felt stupid getting under the bar on the bench since my chest was already on fire and I really didn't want to do this to myself. It didn't help that I also was on limited sleep and hadn't eaten much of anything either. First was warm-up and, it was funny, the 135 was so light that I almost thought the plates were off. I went on up to the 3's and didn't feel like finding a spot so I quit. Then I just went straight to four plates on a supine unilateral bench and put that one out. 3 wheels on the incline and then the stack on a machine. I wasn't able to do this the other day - I flagged and sand-bagged in comparison. Everything felt so light, it was strange. And I had energy too. I even didn't want to quit on chest, but have a policy on how much stress you put on a system at a given moment. Next was biceps and calves and going through a few movements and there was the same result. I don't know. I was surprised and am thinking that tonight I may do another re-do without the band and see what a third time around is like. And maybe alternating with and without and see how much memory of the P.A.R.T. my body has.
Another thing. Usually my left shoulder hurts when I push it and my right forearm and left upper trapezius act up. Neither happened. The only problem I had was with doing the rack on cable curls, my left bicipital tendon felt kind of "ropey". But overall, no pain.
I have also been trying to tear apart the physical/neurological tests that are done to display the properties of the bionic band and haven't found a loophole. The type of testing done on the subject is considered sound in the medical field. So thats not part of a potential slick oil sale.
Another aspect is that I stay routinely adjusted by chiropractic every week. I was adjusted the day before being introduced to the bionic band. Often I can get similar balance with my patients and adjustment, but never with the same type of tests which are done to demonstrate with the product. Like the phone to your ear one to demonstrate the EMF. I'd like to see an applied kinesiology practitioner do this. There are certain ways to get neurological responses, but the tests used don't have any "tricks" to fool the nervous system - just a band with imbedded metal technology.
Anyway, I've been impressed enough so far and my impression was such that I made sure I bought a domain name in case I went into business with it. I haven't been impressed enough to go through buying every domain I could think of related to the new find (yet).
I'm trying out the bionic band. Its science is behind P.A.R.T. - proton alignment resonance technology. The business aspect is a new MLM and the theory of the product in practice is interesting. The primary focus in its marketing seems to regard balance, energy and strength in the body. The science is a focus on decreased EMF interference/pollution by redirecting proton energy in the body with a small imbedded metallic object. Something like that anyway. EMF is electromagnetic field. A potential current and vastly worsening problem with how we use and produce technology today is the amount of electrical radiation which is not taken into account and how our systems may react to all the input.
Whats kind of strange when this subject was brought up to me (and I am getting to test drive the bracelet) I began to recall a few people in one of my men's groups. I've never been around so many individuals who are fighting cancer or know others in the same struggle. The types of cancer appear to be mostly related to problems in the brain region and this bionic band got me to thinking. You see, we are living in a time when we are being bombarded with all this EMF and we don't give it a thought. Every one of us is running around with un-expressed cancer genes and the cells are just one mutation away from expressing themselves in the cancer form. Everybody has it, its just not expressed.
My next thought was about breast cancer. I don't think its coincidence that there has been a huge surge in breast cancer ever since the traditional mammogram practices have been implemented. I mean, think about it. To detect possible breast cancer we take a woman, smash her breasts against a film and radiate them in order to see if there are any abnormalities. We actually take potentially damaging radiation to our bodies and take multiple films of tissue. Since mammograms have become routine yearly checks, there has been rise of cancer cases. Of course one may argue that this is due to our early detection systems, but I don't buy it. I'm not against x-ray, but I also don't generally take soft tissue specific films and the units I use equate to someone watching TV for only about twenty seconds.
So then I get back to the people I've run into who are suffering from brain related conditions and my first thought is on how much cell phone usage there is today. I think I've probably gone through at least 15 phones since first getting a cell in 1999. When you think about the population as a whole and cells, the amount of EMF exposure is exponential not to mention a hugely expanding reliance on the computer and all that. EMF, EMF, EMF. In my thinking, its a matter of time before certain cellular matter expresses itself in some way in order to adapt to the pollution.
Some of us will be like George Burns and live forever with little side effects from all the drinking and cigars. And then there will be the others who do not adapt. Might that possibly be the big guy I sit next to in group and he currently suffers from something diagnosed in his temporal lobe and is still in the throes of chemo? Or the other guy I've run across who had to have open brain surgery? I don't know. I'd say the effects of EMF will most likely be expressed soon as everything is a matter of time. Maybe the death statistics will be changing.
I decided to give the bionic proton band a go. Experimented yesterday during my workout. Here's what I did. I already did chest and biceps and calves on Tuesday and that was a fair workout and yesterday (Wednesday) I was totally sore. So I figured I would test the band by a re-do of the same workout. Man, I felt stupid getting under the bar on the bench since my chest was already on fire and I really didn't want to do this to myself. It didn't help that I also was on limited sleep and hadn't eaten much of anything either. First was warm-up and, it was funny, the 135 was so light that I almost thought the plates were off. I went on up to the 3's and didn't feel like finding a spot so I quit. Then I just went straight to four plates on a supine unilateral bench and put that one out. 3 wheels on the incline and then the stack on a machine. I wasn't able to do this the other day - I flagged and sand-bagged in comparison. Everything felt so light, it was strange. And I had energy too. I even didn't want to quit on chest, but have a policy on how much stress you put on a system at a given moment. Next was biceps and calves and going through a few movements and there was the same result. I don't know. I was surprised and am thinking that tonight I may do another re-do without the band and see what a third time around is like. And maybe alternating with and without and see how much memory of the P.A.R.T. my body has.
Another thing. Usually my left shoulder hurts when I push it and my right forearm and left upper trapezius act up. Neither happened. The only problem I had was with doing the rack on cable curls, my left bicipital tendon felt kind of "ropey". But overall, no pain.
I have also been trying to tear apart the physical/neurological tests that are done to display the properties of the bionic band and haven't found a loophole. The type of testing done on the subject is considered sound in the medical field. So thats not part of a potential slick oil sale.
Another aspect is that I stay routinely adjusted by chiropractic every week. I was adjusted the day before being introduced to the bionic band. Often I can get similar balance with my patients and adjustment, but never with the same type of tests which are done to demonstrate with the product. Like the phone to your ear one to demonstrate the EMF. I'd like to see an applied kinesiology practitioner do this. There are certain ways to get neurological responses, but the tests used don't have any "tricks" to fool the nervous system - just a band with imbedded metal technology.
Anyway, I've been impressed enough so far and my impression was such that I made sure I bought a domain name in case I went into business with it. I haven't been impressed enough to go through buying every domain I could think of related to the new find (yet).
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
My Friend Will
Today has been so busy. Its very strange that, even when you don't think you are busy, it isn't so. My new practice growth appears to be in the beginnings of creating possible great relationships. Had a busy morning and then I don't know where the afternoon went....and its my off day excepting for marketing and meeting.
This morning I almost made it on time to Toastmasters. If time exists, that is. Whether time exists or does not exist is still in question according to my quantum thinking. I would say that time is like money. They are both different species of imagination. But, anyway, the people I decide to gather with have an agenda early in the morning when coffee is my favorite item on the menu. The "time" doesn't matter. I was five minutes late according to a clock driven by atomic generation. I probably need to get going five minutes sooner next week.
On the way to Toastmasters, I listened to talk radio commentary sort of. What I really did was get over anxiety of possibly having to be called on to speak in front of these people and my internal dialogue went through about five scenarios and I got over my junk. My scenarios went through some things probably not appropriate for christian public speaking and all the way to varying clinical experiences. None of it mattered just like in most of our internal dialogues and the meeting had a theme on movies anyway. I still haven't read the direction booklet on Toastmasters and I hope to get that done so I know what to do in that service since I don't have a clue about all the clapping and stuff. Maybe in the earlier five minute wake-up next week I will read those books and directions. Or hire a coach. Today I did get to at least say the Pledge of Allegiance which I haven't said since the sixth grade. It was like riding a bike.
One of my scenarios I went over while making the journey was one I kind of stuck to and thought a little more about. It was this time about two years into my practice and I was presented with this six week old kid, Jakey. The mom, Nikki, was struggling because J was not eating, always grimacing and just kind of curled up. I guess this was going on for a while and the MD visits and stuff all pointed to the kid being healthy and everything. I don't know, but if the mom is concerned and loses sleep over her kid who has little to no reaction to life, I call that a problem. So I adjusted a couple things on the six weeker, J, and that was it. I thought that was it, anyway. I think it was a Wednesday. About 10:38pm I received a call from Nikki and she was all emotional and stuff and said that Jakey was eating and smiling and acting like a normal kid and she was so excited. My response: I really didn't have any that I know of. It was an expected outcome and I know that I know that I know. It was as I expected and that was it. When I think about it, I "feel" like I should have been jumping up and down and shaking people's hands, waking up the neighbors to tell them the good news and then schedule the ticker tape parade down Tulsa's main street. I didn't and that's just how I am I guess. Takes a little bit to get my motor running. I'm not even sure what that little bit is. But I tell you what, when I think about being a part of getting a six week old kid's power running, it makes tears well up. A good feeling.
So I had a meeting after a meeting after a meeting and this was with my good friend, Will. Will and I had a sort of agenda. I'm interested in seeing his new business doings and also interested in making sure that he and his own are doing okay. I know he's interested in getting my business and also I'm fairly certain that he does have genuine interest in the heart of my matters since he tells me what he sees and doesn't hold back on laying down the faith.
We met at a Starbucks and one thing we discussed was this little thing about Jakey and my reaction, or lack of, and he pointed out that God made me as I am. I'd have to say this is true. How the Jakey story was opened was because, while we were talking, Will stopped conversation and stated that he couldn't "read" whether I was interested in what he was saying due to my lack of expression. I knew exactly what he was commenting on and brought up this little story of my little patient. Will's comment about my demeanor being a God make-up was pretty cool. It takes an understanding person who is patient and kind to comprehend that kind of thing and put it together the way that he did. I genuinely appreciated that.
As a teenager I was thought of as "stuck-up" because of my posturing. It was nothing but, but considered so. It was only those who sought further who actually ever discovered the truth. Those who have sought have discovered a lifetime friend. Can't get much better than a lifer.
I'm not totally sure, but I think my responsiveness is more and more and continually in progress of learning. Something that kind of seems to put a temperature on my responsiveness to certain stimuli seems to be something in me that says Solomon was right in Ecclesiastes that nothing is new under the sun. Also there seems to be an element I gathered from my friends, the Soderman's, when they had a motto of revenge to "expect it when you least expect it". So response and active excitement seems to be cultured by many influences and mine tends to be blank in waiting and attentiveness for what I know is yet to come. Sounds a bit strange and not even yet superfluous, in my opinion. It is what it is.
About ten years ago my mom coached me in small talk at a Red Robin in Bear Valley. I still don't quite understand that one. Someone trying to coach someone in being a total fake talking to others about nothing that matters and assuring someone else that what you're saying affects the universe and I really will meet with you again at the end of the rainbow. Doesn't make sense as I know sense. One thing in my corner on all of this stuff is knowing how Frankl had stated that we are all a work in progress and, as we all learn, sometimes things may change how we view different circumstance.
Today has been so busy. Its very strange that, even when you don't think you are busy, it isn't so. My new practice growth appears to be in the beginnings of creating possible great relationships. Had a busy morning and then I don't know where the afternoon went....and its my off day excepting for marketing and meeting.
This morning I almost made it on time to Toastmasters. If time exists, that is. Whether time exists or does not exist is still in question according to my quantum thinking. I would say that time is like money. They are both different species of imagination. But, anyway, the people I decide to gather with have an agenda early in the morning when coffee is my favorite item on the menu. The "time" doesn't matter. I was five minutes late according to a clock driven by atomic generation. I probably need to get going five minutes sooner next week.
On the way to Toastmasters, I listened to talk radio commentary sort of. What I really did was get over anxiety of possibly having to be called on to speak in front of these people and my internal dialogue went through about five scenarios and I got over my junk. My scenarios went through some things probably not appropriate for christian public speaking and all the way to varying clinical experiences. None of it mattered just like in most of our internal dialogues and the meeting had a theme on movies anyway. I still haven't read the direction booklet on Toastmasters and I hope to get that done so I know what to do in that service since I don't have a clue about all the clapping and stuff. Maybe in the earlier five minute wake-up next week I will read those books and directions. Or hire a coach. Today I did get to at least say the Pledge of Allegiance which I haven't said since the sixth grade. It was like riding a bike.
One of my scenarios I went over while making the journey was one I kind of stuck to and thought a little more about. It was this time about two years into my practice and I was presented with this six week old kid, Jakey. The mom, Nikki, was struggling because J was not eating, always grimacing and just kind of curled up. I guess this was going on for a while and the MD visits and stuff all pointed to the kid being healthy and everything. I don't know, but if the mom is concerned and loses sleep over her kid who has little to no reaction to life, I call that a problem. So I adjusted a couple things on the six weeker, J, and that was it. I thought that was it, anyway. I think it was a Wednesday. About 10:38pm I received a call from Nikki and she was all emotional and stuff and said that Jakey was eating and smiling and acting like a normal kid and she was so excited. My response: I really didn't have any that I know of. It was an expected outcome and I know that I know that I know. It was as I expected and that was it. When I think about it, I "feel" like I should have been jumping up and down and shaking people's hands, waking up the neighbors to tell them the good news and then schedule the ticker tape parade down Tulsa's main street. I didn't and that's just how I am I guess. Takes a little bit to get my motor running. I'm not even sure what that little bit is. But I tell you what, when I think about being a part of getting a six week old kid's power running, it makes tears well up. A good feeling.
So I had a meeting after a meeting after a meeting and this was with my good friend, Will. Will and I had a sort of agenda. I'm interested in seeing his new business doings and also interested in making sure that he and his own are doing okay. I know he's interested in getting my business and also I'm fairly certain that he does have genuine interest in the heart of my matters since he tells me what he sees and doesn't hold back on laying down the faith.
We met at a Starbucks and one thing we discussed was this little thing about Jakey and my reaction, or lack of, and he pointed out that God made me as I am. I'd have to say this is true. How the Jakey story was opened was because, while we were talking, Will stopped conversation and stated that he couldn't "read" whether I was interested in what he was saying due to my lack of expression. I knew exactly what he was commenting on and brought up this little story of my little patient. Will's comment about my demeanor being a God make-up was pretty cool. It takes an understanding person who is patient and kind to comprehend that kind of thing and put it together the way that he did. I genuinely appreciated that.
As a teenager I was thought of as "stuck-up" because of my posturing. It was nothing but, but considered so. It was only those who sought further who actually ever discovered the truth. Those who have sought have discovered a lifetime friend. Can't get much better than a lifer.
I'm not totally sure, but I think my responsiveness is more and more and continually in progress of learning. Something that kind of seems to put a temperature on my responsiveness to certain stimuli seems to be something in me that says Solomon was right in Ecclesiastes that nothing is new under the sun. Also there seems to be an element I gathered from my friends, the Soderman's, when they had a motto of revenge to "expect it when you least expect it". So response and active excitement seems to be cultured by many influences and mine tends to be blank in waiting and attentiveness for what I know is yet to come. Sounds a bit strange and not even yet superfluous, in my opinion. It is what it is.
About ten years ago my mom coached me in small talk at a Red Robin in Bear Valley. I still don't quite understand that one. Someone trying to coach someone in being a total fake talking to others about nothing that matters and assuring someone else that what you're saying affects the universe and I really will meet with you again at the end of the rainbow. Doesn't make sense as I know sense. One thing in my corner on all of this stuff is knowing how Frankl had stated that we are all a work in progress and, as we all learn, sometimes things may change how we view different circumstance.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
School and Finance
First time writing to my blog audience. I am a little nervous and...just kidding. Check out my website at
I will let you know that I will post probably lengthy items on this site and, since this is a new addition, this blog will undergo many changes until I see something that suits my taste(s). Colors, gadgets, pictures, layout, you-name-its. There will be changes. The daily journal of today, yesterday and the future will remain the same. I say daily, but I really will not write daily unless I lose use of my legs and somehow get chained to a computer and someone holds a gun to my head and I am forced to write endlessly.
This morning at 6am I joined my new men's group and we discussed prayer and the beginning of the book of James to about verse 18 or 19. What was pretty good was the fact that we actually discussed much of the application of the book to our daily lives. I go to this other group and its okay to have the interaction of other brothers, but there are so many of us that things seem to be a bit off track. Also in the second group, we'll go over a book (last was John 12) and then the discussion will mostly be back to prayer request items or something not even related to what was read. For me as a bookworm and textbook idiot and one who has trouble with small-talk, this is aggravating. So, anyway, this morning was timely, educating, and a somewhat enjoyable sociable time. Once I got over the part of waking up so early that my eyes hurt anyway.
Right now, you know how God says that you have dominion over your circumstance and the animals and all that stuff? Well, I'm kind of scared when I sit at my desk lately because of an encounter I had with a scorpion. It was my first scorpion after being in AZ almost three years. The thing was large. LARGE. I didn't know it, but after some research, I found that anything over two inches is considered somewhat of a size around here. I also found the type was the hurtful kind of stinging type. So now, I keep looking down around my shoes about every three and a half minutes or so. I used to even take my shoes off in the office. Ummm, what's that smell? I have dominion over creation and can't get over a big-little scorpion.
Today I've been sitting here with little to no patients and doing all sorts of things. While playing my Nintendo DS I was thinking about my education and the cost and what it took to go through nearly ten years of school. It sometimes gets to me that it cost over $120k to get to be a chiropractor. Its crazy and its been a subject in my head quite a bit lately for some reason. Its the past and the past is passed, you know?
So, anyway. Today I remembered some of the beginnings of my education. After high school where I graduated I think at like #15 or something out of somewhere in the area of 400 people, I had to figure out going to school or not going. I decided to forego the immediate enrollment and give it a wait and pretty much felt that would be good. Wanted to just kick back and watch some waves roll in and play it easy until I had solid footing on a destination in scholastic stuff. Or maybe I just wanted to be lazy. I don't really know.
I received notice of acceptance in the University of Colorado system and they already had loans and all that stuff lined up and everything. When I got the notices, I told my parents that I wasn't going and would hold off. It was a kind of stand-off in the front living room area between me and my parents. It was kind of like, "No I'm not. Yes you are. No I'm not, yes you are". Probably should have tried it long enough so they could forget what the subject was and I could go and eat dinner peacefully. But that didn't happen. Here's what happened.
The front living room had a layout consisting of an upright piano, leafed waist-high end table, a kind of loveseat thing, hutch, sofa and matching antique Chippendale coffee table (mom's favorite). There may have been a couple other items, I know there were spider plants and fern and stuff. The house was a two level with a split and basement and three car garage so that front room was a fair size and the place was nice for entertaining or for two families to live in. Well the go-to-school argument was getting heated. No one would back down. My dad decided to end it by physically attacking me not realizing the fact that I had already been lifting for over five years and was probably the strongest bodybuilder in the immediate area of Moller Central. I don't remember exactly, but I think this has only happened twice between us and this was one of the two times. I basically picked him up and threw him flat on his back --- right onto my mom's favorite piece of Chippendale coffee table on the planet. You know the guy living in a van down by the river (SNL Chris Farley)? That table and my dad should have been aired over the tube. It was crazy. The legs on the thing went four out flat, a plant went careening and I took off for my basement abode. I laugh now, but I left quickly since I was more afraid of my mom than I had ever been of my dad.
I guess they won the battle. I don't really know. They fought as if I were about to give up a full-ride scholarship and new shoes. But I started in the CU system that semester. Here's the funny thing about it all. We had a disagreement about my schooling but it was never discussed about how to pay for it. The most finance ever discussed was in having this Woodmen of the World rep. come over to set me up on an education fund (smart thinking - I was already 18) and my mom taking me aside and saying this: "I don't care what you do and I don't care what it costs, you get your education." That was it. Good financial reasoning. So they didn't care the cost, but then how was that going to be picked up? You think they paid for it? Are you kidding?
For some reason I had this thing embedded into me that I had to get the education and don't worry about the money. My family, I'd say was and still is basically poor were it not for my grandma. My dad pissed away a nice living and many potential investments and they are now aging and moved in with my grandma, "to better take care of her". The parents did pick up a couple very small doodads during my education but never grasped the larger picture. Both of them had educations paid for -- by their parents.
I'm not lamenting going all the way through the system to get my degree. Chiropractic has done so many things for me that can never be matched by any other profession on earth. I've been able to see so many lives touched in so many ways that it brings me to tearing up when I think about all the great things. I do wish that I had thought about the finance.
School costs a lot. It costs even more when you don't see the cash changing hands and you're running scared with the thoughts of your mom coming after you if you don't get that diploma at any cost.
Then the getting out part. I was lost. I had nowhere to go, no finance to rely on and no established doctor friend and no rich relatives in the field or any of that to get me ahead. Had to start with nothing, couldn't get a loan because of so much debt and other chiros out there wanted to pay not even enough for me to pay basic bills if I were employed. I beat the trees down trying to find anything and, hopefully not work a second job, and found nothing. I was very fortunate to find a couple gems out there who helped me greatly. In retrospect I should have moved to a state which had already established great pay in chiropractic. My ex-wife wanted to move to Tulsa so that is where I eventually stayed and started up on credit and my bare knuckles. It was pretty tough. I know -- sob,sob.
Here's the thing. Financially, I would be far better off now if I had become a career bartender or salesman or janitor of HVAC guy or you name it. Thats because, when I get on my feet, I can be pretty smart on the move-up. I figure things out and have had many business ventures which have all been generally successful. Shoulda, coulda, woulda. When I think on these things I remember not to shoulda myself.
If you have kids, please plan early and make healthy and wise investments. Sometimes we lose everything and there is no choice. Just don't lose everything because of being blind to dumb junk. In most circumstances, there is a choice to go greater and stay from the lesser. If your an adult, think about who is paying and, if you are paying, what is the true finance behind when you get out. I had a choice and was following the man and orders when I was actually the one in charge of posting the orders. Was too stupid to realize that. I didn't go to be a doctor thinking about how wealthy it would make me, but rather how much the profession had actually done for me physically and that I would like to be one to share the message. On the other side, it really does cost a lot and, if you don't have it, you cannot fake it before you make it. You break it before you make it. In our society today, a professional must be and do and live in certain circumstance to be recognized and attract clients and just to make a living. There is something expected and that costs a lot. I'm not talking about "keeping up with the Joneses". I'm talking about the associated costs of something as simple as your continued education and licenses and fees and tons of other stuff that people do not even realize until your chest deep. Shoot, I'm lucky that I'm now in Arizona and status quo seems to be only dress pants and a polo. Think I may head to Hawaii and see if shorts and sandals are acceptable.
Also you need to consider the types of pressure that your own business and mental coupled with physical stress does to you in a day to day grind. I'm sorry, but when you take a break, a short trip to get a Dairy Queen sundae is not rewarding enough to justify what you are going through. Your buddies are all heading for a resort and an extended weekend. When you get back you are somewhat refreshed. Then you're looking for the next mountain to climb.
I will let you know that I will post probably lengthy items on this site and, since this is a new addition, this blog will undergo many changes until I see something that suits my taste(s). Colors, gadgets, pictures, layout, you-name-its. There will be changes. The daily journal of today, yesterday and the future will remain the same. I say daily, but I really will not write daily unless I lose use of my legs and somehow get chained to a computer and someone holds a gun to my head and I am forced to write endlessly.
This morning at 6am I joined my new men's group and we discussed prayer and the beginning of the book of James to about verse 18 or 19. What was pretty good was the fact that we actually discussed much of the application of the book to our daily lives. I go to this other group and its okay to have the interaction of other brothers, but there are so many of us that things seem to be a bit off track. Also in the second group, we'll go over a book (last was John 12) and then the discussion will mostly be back to prayer request items or something not even related to what was read. For me as a bookworm and textbook idiot and one who has trouble with small-talk, this is aggravating. So, anyway, this morning was timely, educating, and a somewhat enjoyable sociable time. Once I got over the part of waking up so early that my eyes hurt anyway.
Right now, you know how God says that you have dominion over your circumstance and the animals and all that stuff? Well, I'm kind of scared when I sit at my desk lately because of an encounter I had with a scorpion. It was my first scorpion after being in AZ almost three years. The thing was large. LARGE. I didn't know it, but after some research, I found that anything over two inches is considered somewhat of a size around here. I also found the type was the hurtful kind of stinging type. So now, I keep looking down around my shoes about every three and a half minutes or so. I used to even take my shoes off in the office. Ummm, what's that smell? I have dominion over creation and can't get over a big-little scorpion.
Today I've been sitting here with little to no patients and doing all sorts of things. While playing my Nintendo DS I was thinking about my education and the cost and what it took to go through nearly ten years of school. It sometimes gets to me that it cost over $120k to get to be a chiropractor. Its crazy and its been a subject in my head quite a bit lately for some reason. Its the past and the past is passed, you know?
So, anyway. Today I remembered some of the beginnings of my education. After high school where I graduated I think at like #15 or something out of somewhere in the area of 400 people, I had to figure out going to school or not going. I decided to forego the immediate enrollment and give it a wait and pretty much felt that would be good. Wanted to just kick back and watch some waves roll in and play it easy until I had solid footing on a destination in scholastic stuff. Or maybe I just wanted to be lazy. I don't really know.
I received notice of acceptance in the University of Colorado system and they already had loans and all that stuff lined up and everything. When I got the notices, I told my parents that I wasn't going and would hold off. It was a kind of stand-off in the front living room area between me and my parents. It was kind of like, "No I'm not. Yes you are. No I'm not, yes you are". Probably should have tried it long enough so they could forget what the subject was and I could go and eat dinner peacefully. But that didn't happen. Here's what happened.
The front living room had a layout consisting of an upright piano, leafed waist-high end table, a kind of loveseat thing, hutch, sofa and matching antique Chippendale coffee table (mom's favorite). There may have been a couple other items, I know there were spider plants and fern and stuff. The house was a two level with a split and basement and three car garage so that front room was a fair size and the place was nice for entertaining or for two families to live in. Well the go-to-school argument was getting heated. No one would back down. My dad decided to end it by physically attacking me not realizing the fact that I had already been lifting for over five years and was probably the strongest bodybuilder in the immediate area of Moller Central. I don't remember exactly, but I think this has only happened twice between us and this was one of the two times. I basically picked him up and threw him flat on his back --- right onto my mom's favorite piece of Chippendale coffee table on the planet. You know the guy living in a van down by the river (SNL Chris Farley)? That table and my dad should have been aired over the tube. It was crazy. The legs on the thing went four out flat, a plant went careening and I took off for my basement abode. I laugh now, but I left quickly since I was more afraid of my mom than I had ever been of my dad.
I guess they won the battle. I don't really know. They fought as if I were about to give up a full-ride scholarship and new shoes. But I started in the CU system that semester. Here's the funny thing about it all. We had a disagreement about my schooling but it was never discussed about how to pay for it. The most finance ever discussed was in having this Woodmen of the World rep. come over to set me up on an education fund (smart thinking - I was already 18) and my mom taking me aside and saying this: "I don't care what you do and I don't care what it costs, you get your education." That was it. Good financial reasoning. So they didn't care the cost, but then how was that going to be picked up? You think they paid for it? Are you kidding?
For some reason I had this thing embedded into me that I had to get the education and don't worry about the money. My family, I'd say was and still is basically poor were it not for my grandma. My dad pissed away a nice living and many potential investments and they are now aging and moved in with my grandma, "to better take care of her". The parents did pick up a couple very small doodads during my education but never grasped the larger picture. Both of them had educations paid for -- by their parents.
I'm not lamenting going all the way through the system to get my degree. Chiropractic has done so many things for me that can never be matched by any other profession on earth. I've been able to see so many lives touched in so many ways that it brings me to tearing up when I think about all the great things. I do wish that I had thought about the finance.
School costs a lot. It costs even more when you don't see the cash changing hands and you're running scared with the thoughts of your mom coming after you if you don't get that diploma at any cost.
Then the getting out part. I was lost. I had nowhere to go, no finance to rely on and no established doctor friend and no rich relatives in the field or any of that to get me ahead. Had to start with nothing, couldn't get a loan because of so much debt and other chiros out there wanted to pay not even enough for me to pay basic bills if I were employed. I beat the trees down trying to find anything and, hopefully not work a second job, and found nothing. I was very fortunate to find a couple gems out there who helped me greatly. In retrospect I should have moved to a state which had already established great pay in chiropractic. My ex-wife wanted to move to Tulsa so that is where I eventually stayed and started up on credit and my bare knuckles. It was pretty tough. I know -- sob,sob.
Here's the thing. Financially, I would be far better off now if I had become a career bartender or salesman or janitor of HVAC guy or you name it. Thats because, when I get on my feet, I can be pretty smart on the move-up. I figure things out and have had many business ventures which have all been generally successful. Shoulda, coulda, woulda. When I think on these things I remember not to shoulda myself.
If you have kids, please plan early and make healthy and wise investments. Sometimes we lose everything and there is no choice. Just don't lose everything because of being blind to dumb junk. In most circumstances, there is a choice to go greater and stay from the lesser. If your an adult, think about who is paying and, if you are paying, what is the true finance behind when you get out. I had a choice and was following the man and orders when I was actually the one in charge of posting the orders. Was too stupid to realize that. I didn't go to be a doctor thinking about how wealthy it would make me, but rather how much the profession had actually done for me physically and that I would like to be one to share the message. On the other side, it really does cost a lot and, if you don't have it, you cannot fake it before you make it. You break it before you make it. In our society today, a professional must be and do and live in certain circumstance to be recognized and attract clients and just to make a living. There is something expected and that costs a lot. I'm not talking about "keeping up with the Joneses". I'm talking about the associated costs of something as simple as your continued education and licenses and fees and tons of other stuff that people do not even realize until your chest deep. Shoot, I'm lucky that I'm now in Arizona and status quo seems to be only dress pants and a polo. Think I may head to Hawaii and see if shorts and sandals are acceptable.
Also you need to consider the types of pressure that your own business and mental coupled with physical stress does to you in a day to day grind. I'm sorry, but when you take a break, a short trip to get a Dairy Queen sundae is not rewarding enough to justify what you are going through. Your buddies are all heading for a resort and an extended weekend. When you get back you are somewhat refreshed. Then you're looking for the next mountain to climb.
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